Geemarc Curve vibrating and flashing alarm clock

Czech Slovak
Brand: Geemarc
63,90 €
Within 5-10 days

It is the latest loud vibrating alarm clock with a handy USB input for charging your smartphone.

Detailed information

Product detailed description

Geemarc Wake'n'Shake CURVE

Is the latest loud vibrating alarm clock

A new elegant design with a handy USB input for charging your smartphone and other electronic devices.

zvuk Sound alarm
vibrace Vibrating alarm
signalizace Flashing signal

The Wake ‘n’ Shake Curve is the very latest extra loud vibrating alarm clock from Geemarc.

Benefitting from a new sleek curved design and a handy USB port for you to charge your smart phone or other devices.

Product Features:

USB port to recharge mobiles and other electronic devices

  • Extra loud (95dB) alarm
  • Duration of alarm: 1 hour, unless manually stopped
  • 4 alarm options:
  • Audible alarm with flashing LED light and vibrating shaker
  • Audible alarm with vibrating shaker
  • Vibrating shaker with flashing strobe
  • Vibrating shaker only
  • Large LED Screen 4.3 x 2 inches with
  • Red digits on back background for high contrast
  • Extra-large fonts 0.9 x 2 inches
  • Adjustable tone control to suit your hearing
  • LED screen with adjustable dimmer switch: (HI/MED/LOW)
  • LED visual alarm indicator
  • 12 or 24 hour clock display option
  • Product size : 7 x 3,7 x 1,9 inches

Delivery includes:

  • 1x Curve alarm clock
  • 1x vibrating pillow
  • 1x Instructions for using languages ​​- User Guide EN, FR, DE, NL




  • Possibility of connecting a 3m extension cable

Possibility of spare parts:

  • Option of Geemarc SA replacement vibration pad


Additional parameters

Category: Vibrating and light alarm clock
Barva: černá
Maximální hlasitost: až 4 ****
Nastavitelná hlasitost alarmu: vypnuto až hlasitě
Nastavení tónů: nízké až vysoké
Nastavení druhů alarmu: zvuk, vibrace, světlo, nebo vše
Časová prodleva po stisku tlačítka "Odložení buzení": 9 minuty
Barva číslic: červená
Podsvícení displeje: ne
Nastavení jasu displeje: ano
Analogové provedení: ne
Signalizace světlem: ano
Baterie pro vibrace: ne
Zásuvka pro nabíjení mobilního telefonu: ano
Váha vrátane batérií: 350 gramov
Rozměry v mm:: 195x128x50
Veľkosť číslic na displej: 2,2 x 5,08mm digitálny
Batérie pre napájanie pamäte: 1x PP3 nezahrnuté
Jednoduchosť nastavenia budíka: ľahké

Waken N Shake Curve - vibrační budík