oto-fresh® CLEANSING TISSUES in dispenser, 100 pcs

Brand: Bachmaier
oto-fresh® CLEANSING TISSUES in dispenser, 100 pcs
12,40 €
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For cleaning hearing aids

Detailed information

Product detailed description

For cleaning hearing aids

The oto-fresh® CLEANSING TISSUES in large dispenser - 100 pieces for the care of hearing aids, ear protection, and in-ear monitoring systems. The wipes are packaged in a user-friendly and resealable container, allowing for easy and hygienic removal. The oto-fresh® CLEANSING TISSUES reliably remove dirt and earwax without damaging the material of the hearing systems. In addition to cleaning, the wipes also contribute to the care of the devices and help to extend the life of your devices. The application is very simple: Just take a wipe from the dispenser and gently clean the surface of your hearing system. The quick-drying formula ensures hassle-free use without leaving any residues.


  • Size: 150 x 130 mm
  • Material: crepe
  • Impregnating solution: 1,5g per tissue
  • Content: dispenser box with 100 oto-fresh® CLEANSING TISSUES
  • For large orders: Number of pieces per carton: 12 boxes


SKU: 6137


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