Crescendo 60/5 sound amplification system with induction loop

Czech Slovak
Brand: Sarabec
156,30 €
In stock

Induction loop sound amplification system

Detailed information

Product detailed description

Možnost zvýšit zvuk Ability to increase volume
Indukční smyčka Induction loop
Komunikace Microphone / communication
Zapojení s Jackem Headphones connected with Jack

Induction loop sound amplification system

Portable sound amplifier powered by 2 AA batteries for comfortable listening to TV, radio or spoken word in the environment. This device ensures that you will not disturb your surroundings.

  • On/off function
  • The built-in microphone allows you to capture spoken words and TV without complicated installation
  • Control with a rotating wheel
  • Colorful indication of the on state
  • Control of bass and treble
  • Option to connect an external microphone up to 4m and a TV mount
  • The device allows you to capture the signal from an induction loop in a theater, in a church, even without a hearing aid

Additional parameters

Warranty: 2 years