Aviso Bee FLASH Sound

120,20 €
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Flash receiver with audio accompaniment for signaling all perceptions transmitted by all transmitters


Detailed information

Product detailed description


Flash receiver with audio accompaniment for signaling all perceptions transmitted by all transmitters

Možnost zvýšit zvuk Audible alarm
Signalizace Flashing signal


AVISO BEE FLASH Sound is a flash receiver for signaling all sensations transmitted by all transmitters.

In addition, it is equipped with an audible alarm.

It converts these sensations into flashes of light.

The color combination of the LEDs (red, orange, green) located on the receiver will tell you which sensation it is.




Additional parameters

Category: AVISO BEE light signalization
Warranty: 2 years
Signalizační systémy: PŘIJÍMAČ: zábleskový, zvukový

Světelné pomůcky AVISO BEE UNI

Světelné signalizace AVISO BEE