Batteries PowerOne 10 - box of 60

Brand: PowerOne
Batteries PowerOne 10 - box of 60
33,10 €
In stock

Long battery life for hearing aids

Detailed information

Product detailed description

Long battery life for hearing aids

10 plates, a total of 60 batteries

Battery for hearing aids 10 color yellow


(PowerOne is a battery brand from Varta)


Value: 1.45V

0%Hg – mercury-free

Why zinc air technology?

Zinc Air batteries have an extremely high energy density and show an almost flat curve during use. They are therefore the ideal power source for today's digital hearing aids.

The battery air vents are initially sealed with a protective sticker. They are thus "dormant" until they are needed. After removing the protective sticker, the zinc air card will start and it will start generating current after a few seconds.

If the protective sticker is removed, the battery should only be stored for a limited time and should be used as soon as possible.


Additional parameters

Category: Batteries for hearing aids and CI processors
Velikost baterie: 10

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